Why You're Not Getting Results

1.     Intensity

One of the biggest excuses people use when it comes to working out is not having enough time, so don’t waste your time when you are there. Stop limiting yourself, your body is capable of doing much more than you think. When lifting, cut your rest period between sets shorter, do more super-sets, drop-sets etc. When doing cardio, incorporate more high intensity interval training.

 2.     Wrong Exercises

There is no such thing as spot reducing fat. When you burn fat off of your body, you lose fat in your entire body, not one particular area. Ab Crunches WILL NOT get you a six-pack, stop wasting your time doing them.

Your workouts should consist of both weight resistance and cardio. Adding muscle to your physique not only gives you a more sculpted body, it also allows your body to burn more calories while your body is at rest. Ladies, do not be scared to add muscle to your body, you won’t get “too big” or “bulky” I promise you. Cardio is a must no matter what your goals are. Increasing your cardiovascular endurance gives you more stamina for workouts, leading to better performance and more effective results. In sum, incorporate both cardio and weight resistance to your workouts accordingly based on your goals.

 When building muscle, focus on compound exercises. Compound exercises like the barbell bench press, barbell row, barbell overhead press, squats, and deadlifts work multiple muscle groups at a time increasing your overall body composition. These types of exercises will allow you to add more muscle to your body faster and more effectively. Do not spend unnecessary time doing isolation exercises trying to sculpt a particular muscle. Isolation exercises like a bicep curl or a triceps extension that only work one small muscle group at a time are not efficient.

 3.     Adjusting Your Routine

Do not repeat the same workouts and over again, switch it up. Your body will eventually get used to doing these exercises, leading to slower results. As you progress week to week, you need to be adjusting your workouts as well. Add more weight to your weightlifting exercises, increase the volume, increase the repetition amount, try different exercises, do longer cardio, etc. One way to prevent this is by logging all of your workouts in a journal. Keep a record of what you did and make sure you try and do more the next time.

 4.     Diet

This problem is pretty simple, but still never gets addressed. Figure out the amount of calories you need to be consuming according to your goals and stay on track! Training your ass off in the gym won’t do you any good if you’re not making the sacrifices outside of the gym. Hold yourself accountable. When you cheat on a diet, you’re only cheating on yourself.

 5.     Unrealistic Goals

Be honest with yourself. The overall goal should be better body composition, not weight loss. Fitness is a long journey and it takes a lot of time to get the results you want. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was your body.  Don’t be discouraged by the lack of results, stay consistent and it will eventually pay off. You can lie about the amount of work you’re putting in, but results do not lie. If you put the work in, the results will show.

Do not measure your results based on the scale. Ladies, be aware that muscle weights more than fat, so don’t always be discouraged by the scale. You could in fact be shredding more fat than you think by simply adding more muscle to your whole body. Fellas, just because you’re going up in weight, it doesn’t mean you’re adding muscle. On average, you can add up to about 10lbs of muscle a year if you are training effectively and optimally on a consistent basis.

The biggest mistake you can make is comparing yourself to someone else. The only person you’re competing with is the person in the mirror. Focus on becoming the best version of yourself.

3 Steps To Get Shredded

1.    Caloric deficit

-Do not overcomplicate your diet. Losing fat only requires one simple concept, caloric deficit. This means you need to be consuming fewer calories than your body is burning. Figure out what your daily calories are at maintenance based on your age, height, current weight, activity level and metabolic health.

-Once you have your calories at maintenance, decrease that number by 20-25%, and that is your daily target. Do not go over that amount; do not go under that amount. Adjust this number accordingly on a weekly basis as you begin to lose weight.

-Download my fitness pal app on your phone and track everything you consume to ensure you are precisely hitting your target calorie amount.

2.    Lift weights

-Contrary to what people think, efficient weight resistance exercises focused on muscle building is the best way to shred fat. This means you need to be doing compound exercises like the barbell squat, bench press, overhead press, barbell row, deadlift etc. Implement a training regimen focused on increasing body composition, this will add muscle and increase your metabolic rate. As a result you will shape a more sculpted physique and allow your body to naturally burn more calories at rest.

-High rep low weight exercises to shred fat is a MYTH! Do not follow this method. Lifting heavier weights requires your body to use more energy, resulting in more calories burned.

-Intensity and volume. In addition to body composition training, incorporate higher intensity exercises with more volume. Use set-extended techniques like drop-sets, super-sets and pause-sets increasing time under tension. By extending your sets, you are able to workout more muscle groups in less time and you are able to elevate your heart rate burning more calories.

3.    HIIT Cardio

-High intensity interval training is a must. HIIT cardio has proven to be the most effective form of cardio to burn fat.

-Start off doing 20 minutes of HIIT 4-5 times a week with at least 5 intervals each session.

-Example: Walk for 2 minutes then sprint for 30 seconds. Repeat this 5 times within 20 minutes.

-Increase both interval amounts and total cardio time on a weekly basis as you increase your cardiovascular endurance.

5 Gym Mistakes you Must Avoid

1. Not having a plan

Going into a workout without a plan will have you bouncing around from machine to machine confused on what do next. You need to have a clear vision on what you are going to do that day. Adjust your plan/regimen accordingly to maximize optimal results.

2. Stop Comparing yourself to other people

We all have different fitness levels, gym knowledge, body types, goals, and workout plans. The only person you are in competition with is the person you see in the mirror. Focus solely on your own progress.

3. Not properly fueling your workout

Eating foods with bad nutrient value and not properly timing your meals will decrease your gym performance. Fueling a diesel truck with unleaded gas does absolutely nothing the same way fueling your body effects your gym performance. Healthier food = better workouts = faster results.

4. Stop Limiting yourself

Results don’t come without hard work. You are way stronger than you will ever know. Your body is capable of enduring more pain, so push yourself and fight through the pain.

5. Not combining BOTH Cardio and Weightlifting/Resistance workouts

In order for your body to see the fastest and best results you must combine both cardio and weightlifting/resistance into your workout. Cardio has its heart/general health benefits and weightlifting/resistance training has its bone, heart, muscle, and brain benefits.

The Most Effective and Optimal Diet: Counting Macros

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients or macros are what makes up the caloric content of food. The three categories of macros are fats, carbohydrates, and protein. Getting the right amount of protein, fat, and carbs will determine whether you are building or losing muscle, and whether you are putting on or losing fat. We all have different fitness goals so it is important to track your macros according to what your goals are.

As we know, macros are what make the caloric content of food, but what does that mean exactly? Simply put, the total amount of calories depends on the total amount of each macronutrient. Let me explain..

When measuring a food or drink:

CARBS: 1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories

PROTEIN: 1 gram of protein = 4 calories

FAT: 1 gram of fat = 9 calories

As an example, let me compare two different foods to give you more insight. Let’s say I want a sweet snack and I have two different choices. One of them is a birthday cake flavored bar and the other is a Pop Tart. The protein bar has 23 grams of carbs, 7 grams of fat, and 22 grams of protein. The Pop Tart has 74 grams of carbs, 10 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein.

Protein Bar: 23g carb * 4 calories = 92 calories , 22g protein * 4 calories = 88 calories, 7g fat * 9 calories = 63 calories. 92 + 88 + 63 = 243 calories

Pop Tart: 74g carb * 4 calories = 296 calories, 4g protein * 4 calories = 16 calories, 10g fat * 9 calories = 90 calories. 296 + 16 + 90 = 402 calories

Based on those nutrients, what option would you choose? For me, the answer is simple. I would most definitely have the protein bar. I’m saving myself 160 calories without sacrificing anything really. Making one small food decision like this can lead to drastic changes in your diet so why cheat yourself?

Why is important to track your macros?

Our bodies use each one of these macronutrients differently for proper body function. In addition, our body also reacts differently. So not only do you see the end result, you feel it as well. Having a well-balanced macro diet plan will allow your body to get the most optimal performance and results. Sometimes we feel like we are eating “healthy” foods when in reality we really aren’t. Instead of focusing on “healthy” or “fatty” foods this diet focuses on consuming the most convenient foods and the proper portions for these foods. Counting your macros teaches you balance, convenience, portion control, and effective nutrition principles while giving you the most effective and optimal results.

What are the main functions of each macronutrient?


Protein is the most essential macronutrient and will help you to build muscle and help to prevent muscle loss. It is also the most satiating macro helping you to be able to stave off hunger and feel fuller longer.

Protein Sources- skinless chicken and turkey, extra lean ground beef, fish, beans, lentils, and nuts.


We get our main source of energy from carbohydrates. Carbs are vital to physical activity and important for our mental health. There are two different kinds of carbs: simple and complex.

Simple Carbs- These are easily digested so they will provide us with some quick energy. Ex: table sugar, brown sugar, candy, soda, honey, fruit.

Complex Carbs- These are more nutritious than simple carbs, are higher in fiber, and take longer to digest to keep you fuller longer. Complex carbs also provide more sustained energy than simple carbs. Ex: whole grains, vegetables, oats.


Fats help to keep our hormone levels in balance and they are essential nutrients that our bodies need to live. Make sure that you are getting your fats from healthy sources and stay away from trans-fats, as these foods will not help you to reach your fitness goals.

Good sources for fats: avocado, nuts, coconut oil, and avocado oil.

We also need to obtain essential fatty acids from foods and supplements, as our bodies cannot produce these on their own. These EFA’s build specialized fats called omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to support the normal functioning of all tissues in our bodies. Ex: Fish oil, salmon, walnuts.

How to figure out your macros

Finding your macros depends on various factors. People have different fitness and health goals so there is no one-size-fits all approach.  The first step involves you addressing a goal. Some people want to lose weight, some want to gain weight, and others just want general health. That is the beauty of this diet. Counting your macros can be used by anyone! Once you have a goal, the next step is finding your daily maintenance calories (the amount of calories your body currently needs to maintain the current weight) depending on your age, sex, and activity level. After the maintenance calories have been calculated, you will calculate the amount of calories needed on a daily basis week-by-week depending on your desired goal. 

After we have that goal and we know the calories needed to hit that goal the next step involves dividing those calories into the most optimal and effective macronutrient ratios!

Most effective macronutrient ratios


·      50% Carb

·      30% Protein

·      20% Fat

General Health and Fitness

·      40% Carb

·      30% Protein

·      30% Fat

Fat Loss

·      45% Protein

·      35% Carb

·      20% Fat

The last and final step is applying that desired macronutrient ratio into our calculated caloric intake. Once that is completed, you now have a fully developed plan to reach your goals! 

How to Count Macros

Counting your macros is so important! Counting your macros can seem confusing but it’s a lot simpler than what you think. One way to count your macros is by simply logging anything and everything you consume into a daily diet journal. This diet journal is called “My Fitness Pal” and can be downloaded onto your phone or computer. All you do is search for the particular food or drink you are consuming and look it up! This app has basically everything you can think of. Having trouble find it? Scan the barcode on the app and it finds it for you! How easy is that?

Another way is getting someone to do it for you. Certified Personal Trainers and Dietitians that have experience with macro counting will not only figure out everything for you, they will provide a whole drawn out plan that fits your goals. It is worth the investment! Certified professionals are there as resources, use them to your advantage! Moving forward you will have the knowledge to create your own diet for the rest of your life!

 What you need to count your macros.

·      Food scale- to weigh foods

·      Measuring cups- to measure foods

·      My Fitness Pal App- to track foods into your daily journal

·      A clear vision on your diet goals

·      How many calories need to be consumed based on height, weight, age, and activity level

How to start a fitness lifestyle

1. Start Simple

All too often people want to exercise but they don’t know where or how to start. That’s why I recommend starting simple. Instead of jumping in the deep end, walk into the shallow water first. Wake up an hour earlier than normal and take a walk around your neighborhood, go on a bike ride with family or friends, or even try doing 30 minutes of bodyweight exercises (push ups, wall sits, sit ups, body weight squats, lunges, planks, jumping jacks) before bed. Just do something!

2. Set A Realistic Goal

Be honest with yourself and set a realistic goal you can accomplish 1 month from now, 3 months from now, and 1 year from now. Write these goals down on paper and hold yourself accountable! You know damn well what you are able to accomplish, so set these goals and prove to yourself you can make it happen. You will be surprised with the results.

3. Find Your Active Passion

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to take. We all enjoy various forms of physical activity so do what you enjoy the most! Not only does finding your active passion give you a healthy hobby it makes you better at that particular passion. Your active passion can be anything – running, swimming, playing a sport, hiking, lifting weights, yoga, etc. Find your active passion and get involved!

4. Work With A Certified Personal Trainer

Many people lack fitness and health knowledge and that is perfectly fine. That’s why we have professionals in the field to help! Just like we go to a mechanic to get our cars fixed and to a dentist to fix our teeth a personal trainer is there to provide the proper fitness knowledge. Before you get any ideas, this is not an attempt to sell you something. This is me being 100% honest with you. A qualified personal trainer is a great resource to get you on the right track and speed the process up. They provide proper knowledge, advice, guidance, and support to help you achieve your goals. When it comes to your health you should never be cheap. Paying for an effective personal trainer is so worth the investment.

8 Fitness Tips During Ramadan

Fitness and workout tips during Ramadan: 

1. Drink plenty of water Between Maghrib and Fajr.
2. Try and get as much sleep as possible.
3. Lower workout intensity by 50%.
4. Workout time does not matter. Choose the best time benefits you the most.
5. Make sure that each of your meals include at least one source of complex carbohydrates such as: rice, oatmeal, lentils, potatoes and pasta. These are absorbed slowly in your body, ensuring you have a stable level of glucose in your blood stream for 4-5 hours. **ESPECIALLY AT SAHOOR TO PROVIDE ENERGY FOR YOUR DAY**
6. If you are doing cardio while fasted keep the intensity moderately low to prevent dehydration. 
7. DO NOT over indulge at iftar. Eat soup and salad at a slow pace before eating your main meal to help prevent over indulging and the sweet tooth craving. 
8. Adjust Fitness goals. It's not a good idea to try and cut or bulk during this time. Instead just try to maintain everything.