1. Not having a plan
Going into a workout without a plan will have you bouncing around from machine to machine confused on what do next. You need to have a clear vision on what you are going to do that day. Adjust your plan/regimen accordingly to maximize optimal results.
2. Stop Comparing yourself to other people
We all have different fitness levels, gym knowledge, body types, goals, and workout plans. The only person you are in competition with is the person you see in the mirror. Focus solely on your own progress.
3. Not properly fueling your workout
Eating foods with bad nutrient value and not properly timing your meals will decrease your gym performance. Fueling a diesel truck with unleaded gas does absolutely nothing the same way fueling your body effects your gym performance. Healthier food = better workouts = faster results.
4. Stop Limiting yourself
Results don’t come without hard work. You are way stronger than you will ever know. Your body is capable of enduring more pain, so push yourself and fight through the pain.
5. Not combining BOTH Cardio and Weightlifting/Resistance workouts
In order for your body to see the fastest and best results you must combine both cardio and weightlifting/resistance into your workout. Cardio has its heart/general health benefits and weightlifting/resistance training has its bone, heart, muscle, and brain benefits.