Muhammad Ali


"I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was."

Muhammad Ali was never the most skilled, talented or strongest fighter. Boxing analysts doubted his technical abilities, the media took him as a joke and the top fighters didn’t even consider him competition. Ali had zero accolades to his name. Nobody even knew who was, yet he still considered himself the “greatest”. Sure, his speed was impressive, but it was his mental toughness that made him a world champion. Psychologically, he put himself in a status so high it became a reality. His rise to the top shows that true greatness comes within.

But Ali’s greatness goes way beyond boxing. His legacy has impacted millions of lives in so many ways. He’s a: Cultural hero to the African American community that openly fought against racism and prejudice. Religious icon for Muslim Americans using his spiritual beliefs to help him become a better man. Inspiring leader for human rights activists willing to risk everything he had to protest war by staying true to his principals. Motivational role model for athletes because of his dedicated work ethic, ability to overcome physical limitations, and his GOAT status as a heavyweight boxer.

From no-name clown that nobody took seriously, to boxing legend and inspirational leader, Ali’s greatness will live forever. Simply put, he’s the epitome of an American hero.

Ali's legacy shows that the road on becoming the best version of yourself starts with you and only you. We all have flaws, but never let them define your character. Overcoming your weaknesses is difficult, but possible through consistent hard work and dedication. Stay true to your principals and give your goals a purpose. The possibilities in this beautiful world are endless. Dedicate each and everyday on becoming better than yesterday, you owe it to yourself.


Having expectations limits your capabilities. Why set yourself back? Your life should consist of constant growth and improvement, not attaining one goal.

Hard work ALWAYS gets rewarded!

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