1. Start Simple
All too often people want to exercise but they don’t know where or how to start. That’s why I recommend starting simple. Instead of jumping in the deep end, walk into the shallow water first. Wake up an hour earlier than normal and take a walk around your neighborhood, go on a bike ride with family or friends, or even try doing 30 minutes of bodyweight exercises (push ups, wall sits, sit ups, body weight squats, lunges, planks, jumping jacks) before bed. Just do something!
2. Set A Realistic Goal
Be honest with yourself and set a realistic goal you can accomplish 1 month from now, 3 months from now, and 1 year from now. Write these goals down on paper and hold yourself accountable! You know damn well what you are able to accomplish, so set these goals and prove to yourself you can make it happen. You will be surprised with the results.
3. Find Your Active Passion
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to take. We all enjoy various forms of physical activity so do what you enjoy the most! Not only does finding your active passion give you a healthy hobby it makes you better at that particular passion. Your active passion can be anything – running, swimming, playing a sport, hiking, lifting weights, yoga, etc. Find your active passion and get involved!
4. Work With A Certified Personal Trainer
Many people lack fitness and health knowledge and that is perfectly fine. That’s why we have professionals in the field to help! Just like we go to a mechanic to get our cars fixed and to a dentist to fix our teeth a personal trainer is there to provide the proper fitness knowledge. Before you get any ideas, this is not an attempt to sell you something. This is me being 100% honest with you. A qualified personal trainer is a great resource to get you on the right track and speed the process up. They provide proper knowledge, advice, guidance, and support to help you achieve your goals. When it comes to your health you should never be cheap. Paying for an effective personal trainer is so worth the investment.